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Wednesday 30 April 2008

Pineapple, sweet pineapple!

Pineapple simply is my favourite fruit. And these ones I had yesterday and today for lunch simply were gorgeous! So sweet, they made my cheeks go numb!


Pineapple juice is my favourite juice too. When I'm on the wagon (which is almost always now!) and meeting some friends at the pub, pineapple juice mixed with lemonade is what I have. (Uhh, yeah that's right!).


  1. What i like is pineapple with sugarrrr ^^.

  2. yes sugar with pineapple is great! These ones were too sweet for any more sugar though.

  3. Pineapple juice and lemonade? Yum! Will have to give that a try.

  4. Thank you so much! you just reminded my of the pineapple I have sitting in my fridge! I will cut some chunks and bring with me in the train today!

  5. Sorry for my late reply.
    theresa: I had that a few times and my friends almost thought I was having a nice cocktail!

    alice (in veganland): sometimes I also forget about things I have in the fridge!

  6. I love pineapple too - I could easily eat a whole one myself!

  7. Yeah, they're very addictive, aren't them?!


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